So two great things happened this month.
First, in a lovely tweet, I found out via twitter that INN has been nominated for a Manitoba Young Readers Choice Award!
I’m thrilled as my novel finds itself in such awesome company alongside books by amazing authors like, Kevin Sands, Jonathan Auxier, Caroline Pignat, Sheri Green, Wesley King, Lorna Shultz Nicholson, and many others.
On a sad note, one of the books on the list is by the wonderful mystery writer, Norah McClintock, who is no longer here to see how much her books are loved. I had an occasion to hear Norah speak years ago when I was just starting my journey as a writer at Packaging Your Imagination and her presentation and tips on mystery writing have stuck with me, influencing me all these years.
The second exciting thing is that INN was also nominated by the International Literacy Association for a Children’s Choice Reading List! Once again, I can’t believe my little story is in such stellar company.
Thank you committees! Thank you READERS!