A Sunburst and The Rocky Mountain Children’s Choice!

Chuffed to announce THE INN BETWEEN has received two more nominations!

First, I was hugely excited to discover my little story made The Sunburst Award Society’s 2017 longlist. The Sunburst recognizes excellence in Canadian literature of the fantastic. As there are not many awards that specifically recognize the horror/Sci-fi/fantasy genres, it’s one that lies particularly close to my heart. If you examine the gorgeous symbol you’ll notice it’s a series of overlapping maple leaves twisting and twirling into a fiery sun. How cool is that?  The list includes, among others, the works of Lena Coakley, Art Slade, Karen Bass, Kate Blair and Jonathan Auxier–all authors I greatly admire.


(Woot! Edited July 17th to add that I just discovered INN made the cut and is now shortlisted for the Sunburst! Congrats to all the wonderful writers who also made the cut. My smile is so wide my face just might split!!!)


I was also recently notified that INN had been nominated for The Rocky Mountain Book Award. It’s an Alberta based children’s choice award–and as you all know, these are my favorite kind as they place my book directly into the hands of many eager readers making the nomination itself already a win.


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One of the difficult things about being a writer is that the path to publication is a long and winding road full of obstacles and potholes and once we managed to make it to the end of the perilous journey and heave our little darlings over the edge and out into the wild world we often never know how they are fairing. I’m very lucky that The Inn Between has been so kindly received by all the librarians, teacher-librarians, teachers, parents and avid readers who make up these wonderful committees. Your enthusiasm helps propel me onward!