I came home today to discover a package waiting at the front door for me. My heart beat quicker when I saw it was from my editor. Could it possibly be? Did the plain brown package conceal a wonderful surprise? Why, YES! Yes, it did! It was here! My new baby had arrived! I could hardly contain my excitement as I hugged it and squeezed it and smelled it–I barely managed to put it down to take these photos. (I feel it’s important to see it from not one, but two angles!!!) I know I’m just a tad biased, but it’s so beautiful!! I’m going to buy a huge chain so I can wear it around my neck! So many people helped make this novel happen, the most important my amazing editor, Emily Feinberg and my equally awesome agent, John Cusick! You two are my heroes!
And such a wonderful coincidence that today is also the day that I will be drawing for an ARC plus some cool swag (which, ahem, has not yet arrived, so swag photos will follow at a later date…). Here are the names of the wonderful people who shared, commented, and tweeted! Thank you so much! I wish I had copies for you all!
I would ask for a drum roll, but seeing as this is the day after the Oscars–cue the Oscar music! And the winner is…
Yes, you have to watch the video clip to see who won! 😀
Thanks again to everyone for entering the contest and helping me spread the word. Only a few short weeks and this baby will be out in the wild!